martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011




My sister´s name is alejandra, she´s 19 years old and she studies petroleum engineering at luz.

she´s 5 year youn get tham me and she´s taller tham me.

she has long- black hair and dark brown eyes, she´s friendly, smart, and pretty, sometimes she can be lazy and hatefull, I say that she´s stingy with the money.

She likes to study and speaking  English and it  was one of her goals outlined in her life last year, now she is almost graduated from Cevaz. In her free time she likes sleeping, listening to music, watching movies, going out with friends and spending time with our family. She´s my best friend and we spend a lot of time together. her goals for the future are be a good pretroleum engineer and she coant to travel around the world with her mom and her grand mother, she would like to learn others languages like french an italian.

My biography

In this blog I will post my school homework for Level 3. I will use it to practice writing, listening, speaking and reading. Also, i will share it with my classmates and people from the world.

Hello, My name is Andrea Rivas. I'm from Maracaibo, originally. I live in Canta Claro. I have 24 years and study of preschool education in the subjects in languaje favorite URBE.My, sex education and eduacativa management.9 am in the quarter going backward But With The Français.

 I love music, dancing, playing, sleep, movie, shopping, with my friends, pizza, chocolate, my family, my country and my dog.

I do not like meat,champeta hate, cockroaches also.violence, war, injustice, and washing the dishes,I do not like people who smoke, much less stand drunk people.Oh my other dream is to meet the Twilight Taylor Lautner

My dream is to tour around Europe, I also would love to know belen,he recognized to be a teacher too and have my own preschool, I love children from a very small.

Is that English is very important in this century 21, but I do not like just because you will get engaged and have some other things but I find it difficult, I know that if I were to put the effort out as buenisima my other subjects.